- 三片式DLP全高清投影机
- 巴可Barco FLM HD14是目前市场上最安静的13,000ANSI流明,中心流明14,000ANSI,三片DLP式,芯片分辨率1,920x1,080,
产品型号:FLM HD14
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巴可Barco FLM HD14是目前市场上最安静的13,000ANSI流明,中心流明14,000ANSI,三片DLP式,芯片分辨率1,920x1,080,自然HD投影机,是专为大中型场合而设计的完美解决方案,还可应对越来越多的高亮度自然 HD 图像投影需求。全密封光学设计和简单方便的灯泡维护,确保FLM实现更低的总拥有成本。此外,10位输入和先进的16位处理,尽现完美视频性能。出色亮度和近默运行,实为各种特殊场合的最佳解决方案,同时实现一流质量和高亮度,无需折衷。
Ultra bright 14K stunning images
Low Total cost of ownership
Purpose built for demanding rental & staging applications
Fit for any Widescreen & Creative application
New Projector Toolset Software The FLM comes with standard “Projector Toolset” software, offering basic control, diagnostics and other features (e.g. a lens program). Additional software plug-ins can be offered as an option delivering added functionality for multi-screen applications, advanced settings control, etc. A user friendly GUI (Graphical User Interface) ensures easy control |